

Minimata convention

To the European Commission,, &

RE:  47 NGOs from Africa, Asia, and Africa ask you to recommend a ban on dental amalgam exports 
Support banning dental amalgam exports from the EU

 We, the undersigned NGOs from non-EU countries, support the workshop background document Assessment of the Feasibility of Phasing Out Dental Amalgam's conclusion that dental amalgam should not be exported to other countries: “The phase-out in OP1, OP2 and OP3 would not be applied only on the use of dental amalgam in restoration, but also the manufacturing, export and import of dental amalgam (including encapsulated items).” [i] We urge the Commission to recommend a ban on amalgam exports to our countries because:

Nordic countries experienced some initial resistance from the dental industry and this was largely because they were:
1. Unaware of the environmental impacts of mercury from amalgam, and the social benefits of reducing mercury emissions.
2. Reluctant to invest in new equipment required to reduce mercury pollution or to support mercury-free fillings.
3. Unconvinced of the durability of alternative filling materials.
4. Inconsistent with their skills and knowledge in applying mercury-free. techniques. @Health Care without Harm (HCWH) Europe

The African region has put her weight behind a proposal that seek an amendment to Annex A to the Minamata Convention on Mercury by moving dental amalgam from Part ll to Part l of Annex A. Besides, the region has also said it needs more financial support to implement its obligation under the Convention particularly in introducing alternatives to the use of mercury in artisanal and small scale gold mining which is a common practice across the continent.

Mercury Free Dentistry Seminar & Curriculum Update Workshop, July 24th 2019, Abuja, Nigeria

Activities completed in 2019

The following activities were completed in 2019 in partnership with the Nigerian Dental Association: